Over 15 million players and 5,000 sports organization use TeamSnap’s web and mobile apps to take the hassle out of managing, coaching or organizing team sports. Metric Theory was challenged to use as many channels as possible to grow users of both their team and B2B products, while optimizing to active user metrics and lifetime value.
"Metric Theory’s marketing strategy across AdWords and Bing, YouTube and multiple mobile advertising channels has helped us to exceed our aggressive acquisition goals."
Acquisition Marketing from A-Z
- LTV Reporting: As TeamSnap’s goals have evolved toward active users and lifetime revenue, Metric Theory has created custom reporting that integrates their app and user data, allowing us to report on traditional user acquisition metrics while guiding their budget toward the most business-critical KPI’s
- Search Expansion: Metric Theory significantly expanded targeting of new users through the addition of new keywords and geographies
- Mobile App Advertising: Given that TeamSnap is a mobile-first solution, Metric Theory launched several mobile marketing channels:
- Led TeamSnap’s early adoption of Apple Search Ads, where we leveraged user engagement metrics to drive a profitable ROAS in our first months on the platform
- Optimized TeamSnap’s Google Universal App Campaigns based on in-app actions to ensure that we efficiently target high-ROAS first-time users
- Designed mobile-specific search campaigns to target and message specifically to incoming mobile traffic, improving conversions
Performance Results
increase in B2B leads year-over-year
increase in direct YouTube B2B leads year-over-year
increase in AdWords mobile conversions year-over-year