June 9, 2022
To Stop the CMO Revolving Door, Bring Brand and Performance Together
As investors and founders push their teams to revolutionize an industry, their Metric Theory team is right there with them with a game face on. You never know what’s around the next corner in the startup world, but with us it’s almost always the same thing – more new customers.
With startups often challenged to both introduce their concept and add users, social advertising provides unique opportunities for both.
Smart search positioning, competitor conquesting, and search remarketing help make your SEM acquisition as efficient as possible.
Startups are data junkies, and so are we. We’ll research your user data to find the best segments to retarget with the right message.
When introducing your brands and taking on the biggest brands out there, technology-powered display builds credibility and awareness.
If your startup is app-driven, install ads bring in new users and in-app advertising for re-engagement increases revenue.
Startup marketing opportunities can cross into any customer profile we have. We’ll find and propose the best options for you.