Make sure that you get the most revenue out of Google Shopping campaigns by optimizing your Google Shopping feed for key shopping days. Last year, we wrote about getting your feed up to speed for shopping in general – start there if you haven’t done any feed optimizations yet. This year, we’ll outline how to focus on keyword strategy for top holiday search terms.

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Using Keywords to Increase Revenue

The idea of increasing revenue in Google Shopping campaigns for certain keywords is not new. By including certain top keywords in your shopping feed, you can increase revenue from subsets of customers searching certain terms. In one example, we increased revenue 320% from “professional” searches by including keywords in product titles.

Impact of Keyword Additions

Last year, we tested including keywords like “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” in product descriptions to increase impressions, and ultimately revenue, on searches that were relevant for our products on those days. In one account that we tested this on, we saw over $4,000 in revenue at a 13 ROAS for searches containing Black Friday or Cyber Monday. In the prior year, those searches generated $0 in revenue for the account, so this was entirely net new revenue for the advertiser.

Black Friday keyword in Google Shopping ad screenshot of cyber monday keyword in Google Shopping

How to Implement These Keywords

Simply keyword stuffing Cyber Monday or Black Friday into product feed descriptions may lead to a poor user experience that can actually prevent consumers from clicking and buying with you. Instead, you should work these words into your product descriptions with a consumer facing phrase, such as “Best Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals on Motorcycle Parts at *AdvertiserName*”.

For more in-depth help on shopping feed strategy, contact our team.
